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Toronto Walk With Israel

Thousands Hit the Streets in Toronto's Annual 'Walk with Israel'

Show of Solidarity Draws Massive Crowds

Vital Support for Evacuees and Mental Health

Toronto's Jewish community came together in force on Sunday for the annual "Walk with Israel," a massive show of solidarity that also raised funds for essential services benefiting evacuees and mental health support.

As the largest single-day Israel solidarity walk in the Jewish world, the event drew thousands of participants who marched down a major city artery, carrying banners and chanting slogans in support of Israel.

The funds raised through the walk will be directed towards helping Israelis rebuild their lives and emerge stronger. The organizers emphasized the urgent need for support, particularly in the wake of recent conflicts and challenges.

In a moving display of unity, members of the community walked together, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to Israel and its people. The event served as a poignant reminder of the deep bonds that unite the Jewish Diaspora with the Jewish state.
